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Civil building energy efficiency standards is expected to take a new level

Date:2017-06-19 15:24:43     View:

Recently, the media reported that Beijing plans to "second five" period to revise the civil building energy efficiency design standards, "residential building units building area heating and energy consumption and energy consumption indicators will reach 75% level of energy saving." This news has aroused widespread concern in the industry. What does "75%" mean? In this regard, we invited to the China Real Estate Research Association Vice President Tong Yuezhong, Housing and Urban and Rural Construction Committee of the Committee of Experts Shi Yong, a total of "75%" behind the deep meaning.
        Q: If 75% of the standard can really be implemented, is Beijing the first city to implement this standard? "75%" of the energy-saving standards come from, what does this data mean?
        Tong Yuezhong: This reference comes from China in the last century 80's proposed energy-saving building "four-step" goal: the first step, compared to traditional residential energy saving 30%; the second step, in the first step on the basis of emission reduction And then reduce emissions by 30%, that is, compared to traditional residential energy-saving 50%; the third step, the fourth step, respectively, by 30%, respectively, energy saving 65%, 75%.
        However, more than 20 years later, most of our region is still in the second stage, a few years before Beijing and other areas began to implement the third phase of the target, that is, 65% of energy efficiency standards.
        If 75% of the standard can be implemented, Beijing will be the first to enter the fourth stage of the region, and as a capital, Beijing initiatives also have a strong demonstration, will lead our civil building energy efficiency standards into a new level.
        Shi Yong: from another point of view, to improve civil energy efficiency standards for buildings is "had to". How to achieve the country's overall energy-saving goals, how to fulfill the solemn commitment of the great powers, how to effectively promote energy-saving emission reduction, which, civil construction must make a difference, and constantly improve energy efficiency standards is inevitable.
        Q: So, what are the real conditions? Does Beijing already have a realistic basis for implementing 75% energy efficiency standards?
        Tong Yuezhong: In recent years, in the local government and social forces together to promote, building energy conservation has made great progress. However, it should also be noted that building energy efficiency has a strong geographical characteristics, due to climate, geography and other conditions are different, the contents of the building energy efficiency standards, the standard will be different. For example, the current energy-saving standards mainly refers to heating and air conditioning, but Yunnan and other places suitable for the year, the demand for heating and air conditioning is not prominent, but more suitable for the development of solar energy and other new energy.
        Beijing has implemented 65% of the energy-saving standards have been a few years time, during which a lot of work done, laid a certain foundation, it should be said, "second five" during the 75% energy-saving goals, the difficulty will not be too great.
        Shi Yong: I also hold the same view, that 75% of the energy-saving goal is to achieve, from the reality is also fully feasible. However, a reality is that, as far as I understand, although 65% energy saving is mandatory, but not every project has been reached, many projects in the post-sampling and no compliance. It can be seen that the implementation of the standard reality is still worthy of attention.
        China Housing: It seems two to achieve 75% of the energy efficiency standards are confident, but to achieve this goal, there must be a lot of work to do. From the big point of view, how to promote it?
        Tong Yuezhong: in the new building, can be used as a rigid standard, requiring one step in place, eliminating the late increase caused by waste. Through the technical means, such as reasonable window wall ratio, reasonable building body coefficient, from the envelope structure, equipment and facilities, pipe network operation and other aspects to improve the standard. Second, in the existing building renovation, there is still a lot of work to do.
        Shi Yong: the specific operational level, I think the need to advance from two major directions: First, the development of new energy sources, such as geothermal energy, solar energy, the use of new energy can play a multiplier effect; the second is to strengthen the external insulation, windows and other structures System or key parts of the thermal insulation properties.
        Q: What are the recommendations at the public awareness or policy level?
        Tong Yuezhong: very important point is to carry out heating system reform. Should be calculated according to the actual heat rather than square meters, so that both people can get benefits, but also to help people in the use of the process to establish a sense of conservation. The current housing and urban and rural construction is to promote the household measurement is a basic work. Next, it is necessary to achieve household adjustment.
        Shi Yong: I always think that the improvement of energy efficiency standards must be reflected in the reality. Different energy-saving standards of the house, should be implemented not the same charges to reflect the differences, play a role in encouraging and inspiring. 75% of the energy-saving standards than 65% to high, people living comfort improved, more energy-efficient, the cost of the payment must also be lower. The improvement of the standard must bring the people's life changes.